Philips Avent SCD570/10 audio baby

Consumer products giant Philips Avent makes an excellent line of baby monitors. Key to the quality: DECT transmission technology that not only maintains privacy but allows for a good connection distance.

The SCD560/10 ($81) features sound/light display, intercom feature, and temperature sensor/display, rechargeable batteries and an ECO mode that saves power consumption when the monitor isn’t in use. (pictured)

The  SCD570/10 ($100, pictured) adds a vibration alert feature, but is otherwise the same as the 560.

Philips Avent DECT Baby Monitor SCD501/10

Philips Avent DECT Baby Monitor SCD501/10

The line-up includes a lower-price model, the SCD501/10 ($30). This unit is just the bare essentials—a sound/light display and that’s about it (no intercom, no temperature feature, etc). FYI: The SCD501 doesn’t have rechargeable batteries or a sensitivity adjustment. You’ll have to plug the parent monitor into an outlet or provide your own batteries.

Reader feedback has been positive on the 560 and 570—parents like the ability to adjust the microphone sensitivity to screen out background noise in baby’s room. Fans also laud the interference-free reception and long rechargeable battery life (about 24 hours on a charge).

The few complaints we get on these monitors center on the display unit’s screen—it’s hard to read the display in certain light conditions. The screen contrast frustrates some users.

As for the lower priced 501, parent feedback is positive although the battery powered option was sketchy for some people. They recommended just plugging it in (which negates the benefit of batteries). And since the unit isn’t rechargeable, the cost of batteries, when they do work, will add up in expense over the long term.

Bottom line: while these audio monitors are pricey, the quality is excellent.

Rating: A