It’s been a tumultuous last few months in the baby crib biz: we’ve seen a massive recall (Jardine), bankruptcies (Shermag/Chanderic and Morigeau) and complaints about late/slow delivery (Munire).

So, here’s an update to our crib chapter—and some buying advice if you crib shopping now:

• There is a some good news out there in crib land: Creations, a new brand launched in 2007, has fixed their previous quality problems and is now garnering much more positive reviews, retailers and consumers report. Creations is in the same price range as Munire, so if you are worried about Munire’s struggles with on-time delivery, take a look at Creations.

• On the lower end (and sold at BRU), Babi Italia (Bonavita) is a good choice for about $300. If you only have $200 to spend, Delta makes several simple cribs that are in stock at BRU.

• Ragazzi has started shipping its revamped line and the reports so far are positive. Of course, the other top-rated cribs brands in our book (example: Westwood, Capretti, Pali, Young America by Stanely) are still going strong.

• If you want furniture made in North America, Morigeau has started shipping again. Although they are working through a backlog of orders, this might be an option if you have time to wait. (Morigeau filed for bankruptcy protection earlier this year and is working to reorganize their business).

So that’s the latest news! As always, feel free to chime in with your thoughts.