Web site: Lifefactory.com
What did we do before silicone? Really, did we just break everything or burn ourselves with inferior oven mitts? Lifefactory incorporates silicone into just about everything, including cookware, water bottles and glass baby bottles. Lifefactory’s 4 oz and 9 oz. baby bottles all come with a silicone sleeve (five colors) a French-silicone nipple and a dome cap with ring and stopper. The bottles are made in the U.S. and Europe, by the way.
What’s missing? I bet you guessed it: there is no venting system to avoid colic. But colic only happens in about 25% of babies. So that’s a market of 75% of babies that don’t need special venting systems. So if you’re one of those 75%, Lifefactory should be fine for you.
Lifefactory glass bottles are expensive, however. At $15 each for a 4 oz. bottle (we found some for $12.50 each), that’s quite a bit more than Evenflo, the other major player in the glass baby bottle market. Yes, Lifefactory includes a silicone sleeve that Evenflo charges $6 to $9 extra for. But even with the sleeve, Evenflo is nearly 50% less expensive.
Other negatives to the Lifefactory bottles: parents note the bottle’s narrow opening makes it hard to pour in formula. Cleaning is also difficult. And the nipple can collapse (and the bottle leaks) if you tighten it too much. We’re not as thrilled with the nipple itself, which isn’t a good choice for breastfeeding babies in our opinion.
Fans of the Lifefactory bottle say the quality is good. So it is a mixed review for Lifefactory: fans love the glass bottle and silicone sleeves, but the bottle’s narrow opening is a big drawback.
Rating: B-