Half of the booster car seats sold today don’t provide a proper fit, reports the Insurance for Highway Safety (IIHS) in their latest installment of their booster car seat ratings.
The non-profit group is out with their most recent booster seat report that evaluates the fit of booster car seats, required by most states for kids aged four to eight. The IIHS says four booster seats by Evenflo (Chase, Express, Generations 65 and Sightseer) and two Cosco’s Safety 1st brand (All-in-One and Alpha Omega Elite) were “not recommended.”
“These are seats that don’t provide good belt fit—the main job boosters are supposed to do,” the IIHS said. On the plus side, half of the 62 booster seat models evaluated by the group earned a good or best bet rating.
Click here to read the full report.
Seats earning the “best bet” rating included the Britax Frontier and Graco TurboBooster.
We reprint the IIHS ratings in our book and web site—we’ll be updating both shortly to reflect the most recent report.