Sure, it's been SIX WEEKS since the Jardine recall, but there is good news—Babies R Us has posted the official line on the recall to their web site. Yes, it is official—you can use the voucher to purchase a crib online (although, oddly, BRU omits mention that will credit you back for shipping).
So have you received your voucher? Or still waiting?
If you purchased a replacement crib online, have the BRU stores hassled you about using the voucher for a refund?
Post your experiences here!
I’m still waiting for a voucher. I’ve contacted the CPSC, which prompted a phone call from Dorel, they promised to get me an answer last week and never did. I noticed the changes on BRU’s website, and they have a “hotline” for problems. I discovered their e-mail, and sent a message Friday night at 11 PM. I was surprised that someone e-mailed me on Saturday, stating they would follow up with me on Monday.
Guess what? Monday is almost over an no one has contacted me yet. I sent my paperwork and bolts back via UPS on 7/8/08 and no voucher. Dorel and Toys R US have both promised to look into it and get back to me, but they haven’t yet. I’ve had no success with the Jardine Crib Recall 800 number and I am at my wit’s end. I have contacted everyone that I could think of and I seem to get lip service. All I want is my voucher.
The crazy thing (I’ve posted this before) – I have TWO Jardine cribs. I decided to wait to send anything in on the second one until I’ve got the first one taken care of.
I’m still waiting for a voucher. I’ve contacted the CPSC, which prompted a phone call from Dorel, they promised to get me an answer last week and never did. I noticed the changes on BRU’s website, and they have a “hotline” for problems. I discovered their e-mail, and sent a message Friday night at 11 PM. I was surprised that someone e-mailed me on Saturday, stating they would follow up with me on Monday.
Guess what? Monday is almost over an no one has contacted me yet. I sent my paperwork and bolts back via UPS on 7/8/08 and no voucher. Dorel and Toys R US have both promised to look into it and get back to me, but they haven’t yet. I’ve had no success with the Jardine Crib Recall 800 number and I am at my wit’s end. I have contacted everyone that I could think of and I seem to get lip service. All I want is my voucher.
The crazy thing (I’ve posted this before) – I have TWO Jardine cribs. I decided to wait to send anything in on the second one until I’ve got the first one taken care of.
We received our voucher 2 weeks ago and went to BRU to get a new crib. Our Jardine crib was cherry and the BRU stores in our area only had 2 cherry ones to select from, both of which were $300 and over. I asked the store manager if we could purchase a crib online with our voucher and she responded with a flat out “No”.
I was extremely frustrated and did not want to pay more for a new crib because Jardine did not make the old ones safe. Our son had been sleeping in his co-sleeper for over 2 months and was getting too big for it so we really needed a crib fast. I feel like this whole thing is a scam. You buy a crib and expect it to be safe for your child, then it is recalled and they send you a voucher, yet everything in the store is over the price range of the voucher the selections in the store are pathetic. We ended up with a crib in the color of “espresso” which matches nothing in our son’s room and we even had to pay an extra $58 for it. I am so frustrated with BRU that I question if I will ever shop there again. There are plenty of other stores in our area that offer the exact same items.
We received our voucher 2 weeks ago and went to BRU to get a new crib. Our Jardine crib was cherry and the BRU stores in our area only had 2 cherry ones to select from, both of which were $300 and over. I asked the store manager if we could purchase a crib online with our voucher and she responded with a flat out “No”.
I was extremely frustrated and did not want to pay more for a new crib because Jardine did not make the old ones safe. Our son had been sleeping in his co-sleeper for over 2 months and was getting too big for it so we really needed a crib fast. I feel like this whole thing is a scam. You buy a crib and expect it to be safe for your child, then it is recalled and they send you a voucher, yet everything in the store is over the price range of the voucher the selections in the store are pathetic. We ended up with a crib in the color of “espresso” which matches nothing in our son’s room and we even had to pay an extra $58 for it. I am so frustrated with BRU that I question if I will ever shop there again. There are plenty of other stores in our area that offer the exact same items.
After contacting Toys R Us’ Jardine hotline on Friday, my voucher was overnighted to me yesterday. It arrived this AM.
The Toys R Us contact person said that Jardine had already sent me three vouchers and didn’t understand what the issue was. Excuse me? They had the correct address for the recall kit and I was never able to get a firm answer from anyone as to where my voucher was, so this seemed rather made up.
I finally have a voucher, although it was for less than BRU told me to expect. I’m still dreading going into the store for my refund. BRU will be making $155 on my “exchange”. I am still very frustrated by this whole process.
I do appreciate that they now have someone at Toys R Us to handle problems with the Jardine recall, but why weren’t they there from day one? Why did it take six weeks for them to post a policy on their website? Since I had two Jardine cribs, I’m really dreading starting the whole process over again.
Good luck to everyone.
After contacting Toys R Us’ Jardine hotline on Friday, my voucher was overnighted to me yesterday. It arrived this AM.
The Toys R Us contact person said that Jardine had already sent me three vouchers and didn’t understand what the issue was. Excuse me? They had the correct address for the recall kit and I was never able to get a firm answer from anyone as to where my voucher was, so this seemed rather made up.
I finally have a voucher, although it was for less than BRU told me to expect. I’m still dreading going into the store for my refund. BRU will be making $155 on my “exchange”. I am still very frustrated by this whole process.
I do appreciate that they now have someone at Toys R Us to handle problems with the Jardine recall, but why weren’t they there from day one? Why did it take six weeks for them to post a policy on their website? Since I had two Jardine cribs, I’m really dreading starting the whole process over again.
Good luck to everyone.
So, unlike some people who are still posting about this, I have received some satisfactory results out of this whole process. Granted it was one of the most frustrating things and was clearly not well thought out by Babies R Us or Jardine ahead of time, but my end result was not too bad. I submitted my information the the Jardine recall website on June 29th and fortunately had a vacation planned where our son was scheduled to be sleeping in his pack and play anyway. By the time we returned from vacation on July 14th, our hardward return kit had arrived. We disassembled the crib and sent out the package the next day. I got confrimation on July 17th that Jardine had received my package. I also visited my local BRU in the meantime and spoke with a manager in the furniture dept. who showed me in print the policy regarding ordering online and refunds with the voucher, so we went ahead and ordered a new crib online. It matches the existing furniture pretty well and was fairly comparable to the White Berkley drop-side crib that we had originally (we didn’t want a lifetime crib since we were intending to pass this one down to future wee ones). The new crib was delievered on July 22nd and suits us just fine (Graco Ashleigh Drop-side in white). On July 29th, 31 days after the process started we received our voucher in the mail and on the 30th, my husband brought the receipt, the packing slip, and the voucher to BRU where we were refunded the price paid for the crib, shipping, and tax (which we didn’t pay for on the online transaction). All in all, we ended up refunded a few extra dollars and lost about $20 since the voucher was more than we spent, but at least we have a crib that we are all happy with. Here’s hoping that all of you find a little success with this process…for us patience was the key sadly, which shouldn’t have to be the case, but oh well!
So, unlike some people who are still posting about this, I have received some satisfactory results out of this whole process. Granted it was one of the most frustrating things and was clearly not well thought out by Babies R Us or Jardine ahead of time, but my end result was not too bad. I submitted my information the the Jardine recall website on June 29th and fortunately had a vacation planned where our son was scheduled to be sleeping in his pack and play anyway. By the time we returned from vacation on July 14th, our hardward return kit had arrived. We disassembled the crib and sent out the package the next day. I got confrimation on July 17th that Jardine had received my package. I also visited my local BRU in the meantime and spoke with a manager in the furniture dept. who showed me in print the policy regarding ordering online and refunds with the voucher, so we went ahead and ordered a new crib online. It matches the existing furniture pretty well and was fairly comparable to the White Berkley drop-side crib that we had originally (we didn’t want a lifetime crib since we were intending to pass this one down to future wee ones). The new crib was delievered on July 22nd and suits us just fine (Graco Ashleigh Drop-side in white). On July 29th, 31 days after the process started we received our voucher in the mail and on the 30th, my husband brought the receipt, the packing slip, and the voucher to BRU where we were refunded the price paid for the crib, shipping, and tax (which we didn’t pay for on the online transaction). All in all, we ended up refunded a few extra dollars and lost about $20 since the voucher was more than we spent, but at least we have a crib that we are all happy with. Here’s hoping that all of you find a little success with this process…for us patience was the key sadly, which shouldn’t have to be the case, but oh well!
OKAY. . . hopefully I can wrap up my crib recall mess tomorrow. I am heading to BRU (an hour away) with my online purchase email, packing slip, voucher, and copies of these blogs showing refunds are supposed to be given! Hopefully it is an easy process- as the rest has been a mess. I will update after the weekend!
OKAY. . . hopefully I can wrap up my crib recall mess tomorrow. I am heading to BRU (an hour away) with my online purchase email, packing slip, voucher, and copies of these blogs showing refunds are supposed to be given! Hopefully it is an easy process- as the rest has been a mess. I will update after the weekend!
I finally have my refund, although not without more hassle. I went to BRU today with my voucher and a receipt from my online crib purchase and was told by a supervisor/manager that I needed the shipping label. I accepted that this was my fault, went home and got it, and came back to the store several hours later. I handed over the voucher and the shipping label and was told, by a different supervisor/manager than this am, that BRU didn’t need the shipping label, but did need the printout of the initial email confirming the online purchase. I had brought the email that confirmed the crib had been shipped, which had the purchase price, tax and shipping amounts, and order number. I had brought this print out, in part, because BRU’s computer system had malfunctioned when I made the purchase and my initial confirmation email said that my purchase had been suspended. I told them, somewhat calmly, that I had already been there once today, had gone home at their instruction to get the shipping label, and would not be going home again to get anything else. I had my blackberry with me and offered to log into my email so they could see whatever they needed to see on the magic first email (they didn’t end up needing it and there’s no information on the first email that wasn’t on what I gave them). In the meantime, multiple associates gathered to figure out how to process the return. They tried scanning the bar code on the shipping label, but it apparently wasn’t giving them the information they needed to process the return. I don’t know if that problem was just my bad luck or if it’s a problem for all of the online orders. At one point, one of them said to me that she had been processing these for four months and had never had one like this, which, of course, was a total lie since the recall wasn’t announced until the end of June. The next problem was that the crib I bought is apparently $5 cheaper in the store so they had trouble figuring out how to refund me a higher amount. Then, one of them said to another that tax and shipping were not included, at which point I interjected and said I was entitled to the purchase price, tax and shipping. One of them explained that they were talking about how to account for the credit in the system and I’d get the money. The fact that the online tax charge and in-store tax charge differed was another point of consternation. After much deliberation and tinkering with their computers, they figured out how to get me a credit. Then, the supervisor who had taken over tells me my total credit amount, which didn’t include shipping costs. I told her that I was entitled to shipping costs. She said that they had no way to refund shipping costs to me because they don’t charge shipping for in-store sales and then looked at me as if that somehow resolved it. I said that Jardine told me that shipping was included. I added that the reason I had to pay shipping in the first place was because I had to buy a crib at BRU and BRU didn’t have any comparable cribs in stock when I made the purchase. She said we would have to get Jardine “on the line” to see because she was told that shipping was not included and had not processed a return with shipping. I just looked at her and she said “fine, I’m not going to fight over a few dollars.” Given the screwy way they processed the return (they made up a new price for the crib so that when they added the local tax it was roughly the voucher total), I was shorted 79 cents of the voucher (new crib plus tax and shipping was about $6 more than voucher), but I didn’t want to invest one more minute of my life in this process (beyond writing this long post) so I let it be. Despite some comments noted above, I found the BRU employees to be generally helpful and pleasant and am not writing this to pick on them. I posted all of these details because (1) I’m astounded that 6 weeks into this recall process BRU has not provided its employees with instructions regarding how to process the vouchers – the employees were seriously making it up as they went and (2) I thought the details of my experience might be helpful to someone else. My advice would be to go to the store with every single piece of paper you have about this and be prepared to stand your ground.
I finally have my refund, although not without more hassle. I went to BRU today with my voucher and a receipt from my online crib purchase and was told by a supervisor/manager that I needed the shipping label. I accepted that this was my fault, went home and got it, and came back to the store several hours later. I handed over the voucher and the shipping label and was told, by a different supervisor/manager than this am, that BRU didn’t need the shipping label, but did need the printout of the initial email confirming the online purchase. I had brought the email that confirmed the crib had been shipped, which had the purchase price, tax and shipping amounts, and order number. I had brought this print out, in part, because BRU’s computer system had malfunctioned when I made the purchase and my initial confirmation email said that my purchase had been suspended. I told them, somewhat calmly, that I had already been there once today, had gone home at their instruction to get the shipping label, and would not be going home again to get anything else. I had my blackberry with me and offered to log into my email so they could see whatever they needed to see on the magic first email (they didn’t end up needing it and there’s no information on the first email that wasn’t on what I gave them). In the meantime, multiple associates gathered to figure out how to process the return. They tried scanning the bar code on the shipping label, but it apparently wasn’t giving them the information they needed to process the return. I don’t know if that problem was just my bad luck or if it’s a problem for all of the online orders. At one point, one of them said to me that she had been processing these for four months and had never had one like this, which, of course, was a total lie since the recall wasn’t announced until the end of June. The next problem was that the crib I bought is apparently $5 cheaper in the store so they had trouble figuring out how to refund me a higher amount. Then, one of them said to another that tax and shipping were not included, at which point I interjected and said I was entitled to the purchase price, tax and shipping. One of them explained that they were talking about how to account for the credit in the system and I’d get the money. The fact that the online tax charge and in-store tax charge differed was another point of consternation. After much deliberation and tinkering with their computers, they figured out how to get me a credit. Then, the supervisor who had taken over tells me my total credit amount, which didn’t include shipping costs. I told her that I was entitled to shipping costs. She said that they had no way to refund shipping costs to me because they don’t charge shipping for in-store sales and then looked at me as if that somehow resolved it. I said that Jardine told me that shipping was included. I added that the reason I had to pay shipping in the first place was because I had to buy a crib at BRU and BRU didn’t have any comparable cribs in stock when I made the purchase. She said we would have to get Jardine “on the line” to see because she was told that shipping was not included and had not processed a return with shipping. I just looked at her and she said “fine, I’m not going to fight over a few dollars.” Given the screwy way they processed the return (they made up a new price for the crib so that when they added the local tax it was roughly the voucher total), I was shorted 79 cents of the voucher (new crib plus tax and shipping was about $6 more than voucher), but I didn’t want to invest one more minute of my life in this process (beyond writing this long post) so I let it be. Despite some comments noted above, I found the BRU employees to be generally helpful and pleasant and am not writing this to pick on them. I posted all of these details because (1) I’m astounded that 6 weeks into this recall process BRU has not provided its employees with instructions regarding how to process the vouchers – the employees were seriously making it up as they went and (2) I thought the details of my experience might be helpful to someone else. My advice would be to go to the store with every single piece of paper you have about this and be prepared to stand your ground.
Well I did get refunded for my crib but I am still fighting for my refund on shipping, I know it is only $30, but I am frustrated with the way they handled this and want my money! I went to BRU Saturday armed with all the papers I could find!!! When I got to the counter I was worried because the sale associate said”oh, NO” when she saw my voucher. She followed that with, “Kat was up here for over an hour trying to figure one of these out.” Not what I wanted to hear but luckily I got a manager. She was very pleasant through the process. Although we did have issues because the Divinci Emily crib is listed for $229 in the store instead of $279 which is what you pay online. She continually questioned me why I would pay more for the crib than what the list price was, like I had a choice. I finally explained that the crib had been listed at that amount, actually $239, until the day they okayed online purchase and was proptly increased $40. She seemed shocked by this and did help me out because my voucher was for $241.99. What she did was the following and I would suggest this to your BRU when you go in. SHE DID A RETURN ON THE FULL PRICE OF THE ONLINE CRIB, LIKE I HAD RETURNED IT. tHEN SHE GAVE ME THE STORE PRICE OF $229 FOR THE CRIB TOWARD MY VOUCHER. Since my voucher covered it I didn’t have a balance at all on the crib! I thought that was very kind of her. She did say they would not refund shipping. When I showed her the printed Baby Bargins article she said they knew nothing about it. This morning I called CPSC who said call Jardine, but I’m SO tired of this run around. What have you guys done to get shipping refunded? ALMOST FINISHED!!
Well I did get refunded for my crib but I am still fighting for my refund on shipping, I know it is only $30, but I am frustrated with the way they handled this and want my money! I went to BRU Saturday armed with all the papers I could find!!! When I got to the counter I was worried because the sale associate said”oh, NO” when she saw my voucher. She followed that with, “Kat was up here for over an hour trying to figure one of these out.” Not what I wanted to hear but luckily I got a manager. She was very pleasant through the process. Although we did have issues because the Divinci Emily crib is listed for $229 in the store instead of $279 which is what you pay online. She continually questioned me why I would pay more for the crib than what the list price was, like I had a choice. I finally explained that the crib had been listed at that amount, actually $239, until the day they okayed online purchase and was proptly increased $40. She seemed shocked by this and did help me out because my voucher was for $241.99. What she did was the following and I would suggest this to your BRU when you go in. SHE DID A RETURN ON THE FULL PRICE OF THE ONLINE CRIB, LIKE I HAD RETURNED IT. tHEN SHE GAVE ME THE STORE PRICE OF $229 FOR THE CRIB TOWARD MY VOUCHER. Since my voucher covered it I didn’t have a balance at all on the crib! I thought that was very kind of her. She did say they would not refund shipping. When I showed her the printed Baby Bargins article she said they knew nothing about it. This morning I called CPSC who said call Jardine, but I’m SO tired of this run around. What have you guys done to get shipping refunded? ALMOST FINISHED!!
Well, I finally am finished with round 1. I had purchased a replacement crib on 6/25 because there was no way I could put my 20 month old in a pack and play for weeks. It took almost 7 weeks to receive the voucher, so it was the right decision for us. We went to BRU this morning with our voucher and the 20% off coupon that they have been giving out in the stores for the past few weeks. I was able to receive 20% off ($60) plus my voucher, so I ended up spending about $80 on my new, upgraded crib. The refund process was quick and painless. If only everything leading up to the refund had been as simple…
I still have to mail in the bolts and label for my second crib and buy a replacement. If people weren’t having such a difficult time getting shipping refunded for online purchases, I would order another crib online.
Well, I finally am finished with round 1. I had purchased a replacement crib on 6/25 because there was no way I could put my 20 month old in a pack and play for weeks. It took almost 7 weeks to receive the voucher, so it was the right decision for us. We went to BRU this morning with our voucher and the 20% off coupon that they have been giving out in the stores for the past few weeks. I was able to receive 20% off ($60) plus my voucher, so I ended up spending about $80 on my new, upgraded crib. The refund process was quick and painless. If only everything leading up to the refund had been as simple…
I still have to mail in the bolts and label for my second crib and buy a replacement. If people weren’t having such a difficult time getting shipping refunded for online purchases, I would order another crib online.
We have actually had mixed luck with this whole process. Our local store has been very helpful and cooperative, but we still don’t have a new crib. Our nursery set is cherry, which they don’t carry much of in the store, especially in the price range of the voucher, so we went online and ordered something in that range, but when we put it together it seemed really cheap and not at all up to our expectations. The store was very cooperative about taking the new crib back, and tried to help us find a new crib, but all but one cherry crib are on backorder (and the one in stock is about $400). We even tried to go with a more expensive crib in a slighlty different color to no avail. I just wish Jardine had given us back a check so we could have the option to shop elsewhere, because there is no stock to choose from at BRU anymore and we will end up spending more money than we intended.
We have actually had mixed luck with this whole process. Our local store has been very helpful and cooperative, but we still don’t have a new crib. Our nursery set is cherry, which they don’t carry much of in the store, especially in the price range of the voucher, so we went online and ordered something in that range, but when we put it together it seemed really cheap and not at all up to our expectations. The store was very cooperative about taking the new crib back, and tried to help us find a new crib, but all but one cherry crib are on backorder (and the one in stock is about $400). We even tried to go with a more expensive crib in a slighlty different color to no avail. I just wish Jardine had given us back a check so we could have the option to shop elsewhere, because there is no stock to choose from at BRU anymore and we will end up spending more money than we intended.
I submitted my information on the Jardine crib recall site 2 weeks ago and finally called the Jardine hotline tonight, (we are currently stationed in Germany). I had sent an email to the day after I submitted the claim and still haven’t gotten a response back. I just wanted to know more information about how the parents overseas were going to be helped.
I called the number listed at the jardinecribrecall site and was told by the call center rep that I would need to call Jardine/Dorel directly. Their number is 1-800-295-1980. I was on hold for over 10 minutes before I finally got someone.
I was informed that I would need to send them an email with my information and pictures of the crib. She wasn’t exactly friendly about it either. How am I supposed to know this if it isn’t posted on any of the information I have seen?
I was told it should take a day or two to get a response back, so we shall see. I will try to remember to update once we know what is going on. Hopefully this will help other parents who are overseas with the recalled cribs.
If you are overseas the information you need to send to is as follows.
Telephone #:
Crib Model #:
Where bought:
Pictures of the crib
I submitted my information on the Jardine crib recall site 2 weeks ago and finally called the Jardine hotline tonight, (we are currently stationed in Germany). I had sent an email to the day after I submitted the claim and still haven’t gotten a response back. I just wanted to know more information about how the parents overseas were going to be helped.
I called the number listed at the jardinecribrecall site and was told by the call center rep that I would need to call Jardine/Dorel directly. Their number is 1-800-295-1980. I was on hold for over 10 minutes before I finally got someone.
I was informed that I would need to send them an email with my information and pictures of the crib. She wasn’t exactly friendly about it either. How am I supposed to know this if it isn’t posted on any of the information I have seen?
I was told it should take a day or two to get a response back, so we shall see. I will try to remember to update once we know what is going on. Hopefully this will help other parents who are overseas with the recalled cribs.
If you are overseas the information you need to send to is as follows.
Telephone #:
Crib Model #:
Where bought:
Pictures of the crib
I am really getting fed up with this whole recall now. We have yet to get a new crib for our son, because everything in our price range and color is out of stock at BRU,BUT we just saw the exact crib we wanted to get from BRU at Target for a better price! And of course we’re stuck, because we can only use the voucher at BRU. This whole thing is such a scam in my opinion. While our local BRU has been pleasant to deal with, BRU and Jardine made this much more difficult than it needed to be. If you buy a faulty product, you should get your money refunded. Period. Then you can decide where you want to spend your money on a replacement product.
I am really getting fed up with this whole recall now. We have yet to get a new crib for our son, because everything in our price range and color is out of stock at BRU,BUT we just saw the exact crib we wanted to get from BRU at Target for a better price! And of course we’re stuck, because we can only use the voucher at BRU. This whole thing is such a scam in my opinion. While our local BRU has been pleasant to deal with, BRU and Jardine made this much more difficult than it needed to be. If you buy a faulty product, you should get your money refunded. Period. Then you can decide where you want to spend your money on a replacement product.
If some of you are having trouble getting the identifying sticker off of your crib, try using a blow dryer. The heat loosens the adhesive and it peels of nice and easy (just peel off slowly). It worked like a charm for us 🙂 Now I am just crossing our fingers we get that voucher soon!
If some of you are having trouble getting the identifying sticker off of your crib, try using a blow dryer. The heat loosens the adhesive and it peels of nice and easy (just peel off slowly). It worked like a charm for us 🙂 Now I am just crossing our fingers we get that voucher soon!
I’ve FINALLY finished the process of getting reimbursed for my two recalled cribs. (I’ve posted about this before), but each step has been so ridiculous I would think that someone was making it up if I hadn’t experienced it myself.
I sent in my recall kit for the second crib on 9/1 and by the end of September, I hadn’t heard back from Jardine, despite the instructions stating that I would have a voucher 2 weeks after my kit was received. I contacted ToysRUs’ via their e-mail and they had my voucher overnighted to me. I received it on 10/1. I went to our local BRU today to receive my refund for the crib that I purchased online. For our first crib, I was able to find something that I liked (but wasn’t anywhere close to price of the recalled crib.) Our second crib was pink and I had our entire nursery planned around a pink crib. Luckily there was a pink DaVinci crib available online, so I bit the bullet and ordered it.
In the store, the first associate that was at the service desk saw my voucher and said, “These are too hard – let me get a manager.”. The manager was friendly, but she still had to make it up to give me my refund. The in-store price and the on-line price didn’t match and it took about 5 attempts at ringing the transaction to get the refund. I don’t even understand why there is an in-store price. I wanted to buy the crib through our B&M BRU and they said it was an online item only and couldn’t get it! Anyway, I got the refund for the crib. I then asked the manager about the refund for the shipping and she looked surprised! She had never heard about issuing a refund for shipping and went online to check their policy manual. It did say to refund shipping, but didn’t explain how! What she did was have someone at the registry desk look up the shipping SKU # for sending an item and entered that item# and then did a price over-ride for the amount of shipping that I paid. The only problem with that was the computer would only issue a merchandise credit for the shipping. (It was $38) and after standing there for over 30 minutes, I didn’t care anymore. I can use it to buy a box of diapers or something. She was willing to tinker with the system to find a way to put the amount back on my credit card, but I didn’t feel like it was worth the time.
I am so relieved to be finished with the process, but I am dumbfounded that almost 4 months after the recall was issued, BRU associates still have to make up the refund process as they go along. I would think there would be a standard protocol for everyone to follow. Everyone in the store was very nice, but if I hadn’t asked about shipping, I’m sure I wouldn’t have received a refund. The voucher says it can be taken to Toys R Us (which would have been 30 minutes closer for us), but I hate to imagine what the process would have been like there. At least at BRU they had seen the vouchers before and knew how to process the refund (even though it took multiple attempts.) The whole process is ridiculous.
In the end, I think the two cribs that I purchased as replacements are better quality and more attractive, but the process definitely hurt my overall opinion of BRU.
I’ve FINALLY finished the process of getting reimbursed for my two recalled cribs. (I’ve posted about this before), but each step has been so ridiculous I would think that someone was making it up if I hadn’t experienced it myself.
I sent in my recall kit for the second crib on 9/1 and by the end of September, I hadn’t heard back from Jardine, despite the instructions stating that I would have a voucher 2 weeks after my kit was received. I contacted ToysRUs’ via their e-mail and they had my voucher overnighted to me. I received it on 10/1. I went to our local BRU today to receive my refund for the crib that I purchased online. For our first crib, I was able to find something that I liked (but wasn’t anywhere close to price of the recalled crib.) Our second crib was pink and I had our entire nursery planned around a pink crib. Luckily there was a pink DaVinci crib available online, so I bit the bullet and ordered it.
In the store, the first associate that was at the service desk saw my voucher and said, “These are too hard – let me get a manager.”. The manager was friendly, but she still had to make it up to give me my refund. The in-store price and the on-line price didn’t match and it took about 5 attempts at ringing the transaction to get the refund. I don’t even understand why there is an in-store price. I wanted to buy the crib through our B&M BRU and they said it was an online item only and couldn’t get it! Anyway, I got the refund for the crib. I then asked the manager about the refund for the shipping and she looked surprised! She had never heard about issuing a refund for shipping and went online to check their policy manual. It did say to refund shipping, but didn’t explain how! What she did was have someone at the registry desk look up the shipping SKU # for sending an item and entered that item# and then did a price over-ride for the amount of shipping that I paid. The only problem with that was the computer would only issue a merchandise credit for the shipping. (It was $38) and after standing there for over 30 minutes, I didn’t care anymore. I can use it to buy a box of diapers or something. She was willing to tinker with the system to find a way to put the amount back on my credit card, but I didn’t feel like it was worth the time.
I am so relieved to be finished with the process, but I am dumbfounded that almost 4 months after the recall was issued, BRU associates still have to make up the refund process as they go along. I would think there would be a standard protocol for everyone to follow. Everyone in the store was very nice, but if I hadn’t asked about shipping, I’m sure I wouldn’t have received a refund. The voucher says it can be taken to Toys R Us (which would have been 30 minutes closer for us), but I hate to imagine what the process would have been like there. At least at BRU they had seen the vouchers before and knew how to process the refund (even though it took multiple attempts.) The whole process is ridiculous.
In the end, I think the two cribs that I purchased as replacements are better quality and more attractive, but the process definitely hurt my overall opinion of BRU.
I to waited an extreme amount of time for my voucher. I finally recieved it via email and took it to babies r us. I was then told my voucher was NO good. Jardine contacted me today telling me they never got my hardware and the voucher was a “type-o”. This is very much so a SCAM!!!! This company should be shut down!
I to waited an extreme amount of time for my voucher. I finally recieved it via email and took it to babies r us. I was then told my voucher was NO good. Jardine contacted me today telling me they never got my hardware and the voucher was a “type-o”. This is very much so a SCAM!!!! This company should be shut down!