As readers of our blog know, we collect stories from parents about baby gift registries gone awry. Today’s email comes a new parent in San Francisco, who notes that Babies R Us’ gift registry has a slight problem: lack of packing lists that indicate WHO sent a gift:
I just think it is important for people to know about BRU registry. I registered there since it is the closest baby superstore to San Francisco. Unfortunately, besides some of the problems registering there like poor service, lack of knowledgeable staff, poorly stocked shelves… All of which seem to have improved over the last month–let’s see if it lasts!
My major issue with BRU is that when I was mailed packages, they did not all come with a packing slip. So I tried to thank everyone who mailed me items but unfortunately multiple friends and family asked me if I got their items, some of which I had not received, none of which I knew about. When I called numerous times to BRU customer service to find out who gave certain items that did not have packing slips NO ONE could help me. I find this unfortunate since it makes it much more difficult for me when it should all be in a computer based on the sender’s mailing address and my registry.
Amazon on the other hand is much more intuitive and gives you a list of people who bought you items and their mailing addresses.