The phone number we have listed in our book for Young America by Stanley has changed. It is now 276-627-2000.
And just to clarify, all Young America by Stanley furniture and cribs is made in the USA (in North Carolina). We updated Young America's review in the 8.1 version book to indicate this change in production, but the chart on page 95 incorrectly lists the cribs as still being made in China.
I ordered two Young America cribs on Oct 9th. I was told that they would take the standard 4-6 weeks to arrive. Just found out today, Nov 12th, that Young America is seriously backlogged because of the transition from China back to NC. Because of the backlog, my cribs, which should have been here late Nov/early Dec MAY make it by late Jan/early Feb. I may need to cancel the order and find something else because the twins are due to arrive late Dec/early Jan.
So frustrating.
Update to the post above: A rep from Stanley Young America contacted me directly after I posted the story about my twins’ cribs delayed production. She has been very helpful and it looks like I should be able to get at least one crib much earlier–perhaps before the end of the year–than I was told a few weeks ago. Props to SYA for monitoring these boards and trying to make things right.
Hello, I am missing the stabilizer rails and the crib spring for my young America baby crib model number 10214-220. How can I purchase these parts?