As readers of our blog know, we don’t usually
discuss sales—but this one was so popular last year, we will plug it again:
Lullaby Lane’s (San Francisco Bay Area) designer sample

Here’s our description of it from

Every year, 700 manufacturers of
juvenile goods gather in Vegas, showing the latest furniture, gear and
accessories. But what do all those exhibitors do with their samples when the
show is over?

Instead of shipping the
furniture back to their warehouse, most manufacturers quietly sell their wares
to a baby shop near San Francisco (Lullaby Lane in San Bruno). Then it’s sale

This year ‘s sale is May 19-21 and
May 27-29. Hours are 10 to 4. Prices are up to 60% off regular prices and the
best part: you will find many fancy designer brands that are hard to get at a
discount. Examples from the last sale: a $300 Pali Dawn crib for $199, a
Morigeau crib and matching dresser and bookshelf for $1398 (regular $2000), Cara
Mia cribs for as little as $199 and so on. You’ll also find glider rockers from
Best Chair, Inglesina Zippy strollers ($229), mattresses and more.

The address of the warehouse is 1065 San
Mateo ave. FYI: This about a half mile away from Lullaby Lane’s main store in
downtown San Bruno. For directions, click here or call (650) 588-7644 or 800-588-7644. If
you are near San Francisco next month, check it out. And email us with the deals
you find.